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Articles I, II and III

Posted on January 22, 2016 John Abood

When we consider the structure of our U.S. Government (as was determined by the representatives from the various states, and is accepted by the people today) we are initially presented with subsidiarity; and then presented with the separated powers and the checks and balances between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary of the U.S. The first branch of the U.S. government makes the laws, finances the government and oversees the government. The second branch of government executes the laws and implements the policies and programs of the legislature. The third branch of government determines what is constitutional and what the legislative law states. The reason we have these separations, checks and balances and judicial review is to ensure that government is not authoritarian or tyrannical and remains responsive to the deliberative consent of the people.

In the great battle surrounding character and objective truths, we trust The People and a deliberating republic more than we trust a king or a government. One will reach a decision based upon the deliberations of many, while the other should reach a decision based upon the deliberations of many.

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