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Posted on January 22, 2016 John Abood

It is natural for human beings to make choices in life. Consequently, it is human nature for the individual to make judgements regarding the choices they, and others, make in life. We generally look at the value of these choices on the spectrum of what we call character. We consider whether the choices will lead to dignity and prosperity for ourselves and our family.

How many times have you seen another’s grocery choices – a cart full of sugary cereals and sodas – and thought, “I would never make such poor choices for my family”? How many times have you witnessed unruly children in a restaurant and thought, “I would never make such poor parenting decisions and choices”? As humans we make judgements every day regarding the choices of others. We place our, and their, choices on the color wheel of character.

Character is the coin of the realm when we consider our relationship to our Creator, our personal sense of dignity and our relationship to each other in our society. The trinity of work, personal responsibility and personal self-sacrifice are the essential components of character. AIMI will use character and character-based identity as the principal ideal of our moderate politics.

Character is the bond between individuals in every relationship and in every community. It encompasses every human good, yet, when it is waning, also every human problem. When the three components are present in abundance you will find an individual of dignity.

In combination, the trinity of character forms the nucleus of personal identity, family and our society. Character is why we care for ourselves. Character is why we cooperate and care for each other. Character is why we worship our God and why we are spiritual. Character is why we care for our children. Character is why we respect and care for our parents. Character is why we offer and receive an education and strive to build knowledge, character and wisdom within our communities. Character is why we find merit in love, reason, physical prowess, property, community, liberty, some tolerance, justice and happiness. Character is the reason we relate stories, communicate and deliberate – we share our ideas about work, personal responsibility and self-sacrifice. It is why we choose to cooperate and have a democracy and a representative republic – because we want to be able to bring our values to the character of our society. Character is why we care for the earth and the rest of God’s creation.

What are you to do when your neighbor’s cultural values clash with your cultural values? Your neighbor works at their job for only 5 hours but they put in a time card for 8 hours, stealing from their employer every day. They work very little on telework days and instead spend their time working on their private business. They do not relate well to others. They do not compromise to save their marriage and they neglect their spouse. They fail to make sure their children do their homework. They cheat on their spouse with another. They spread falsehoods and lies about others to aggrandize themselves. They drink too much or take drugs. They steal your property and they play loud music all night. They covet what their neighbors own. They are egotistical and have no spirituality. They are certainly not mindful or introspective.

It does not matter if your neighbor is of the same clan or of a different clan. The color of their skin does not make any difference. It does not matter what gender they are. Their religion does not matter.

It’s simple: Their character and cultural values are very different from your character values. Your character identity is different from their character identity. This is the basis for your judgement. This is the basis for your disapproval of the individual and their character. You ask yourself, “What would our society be like if everyone acted irresponsibly like this neighbor?”

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the State (The People) must provide equal outcomes for all character and cultural identities. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the State (The People) must find all character and cultural identities of equal value. The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that the State (The People) may not make cultural or behavioral character value judgements via our laws.

In our republic moderates believe the State (The People) are permitted to make value choices and judgements regarding character and cultural identities. The approval and promotion of successful character and cultural identities, by The People, may result in different outcomes when applied to all identities equally [Due Process and Equal Protection Of The Laws].

Differences in cultural character values and beliefs (how much work, personal responsibility, and self-sacrifice you practice) lead to different and competing cultural identities. Differences in cultural character value and belief “authorities” lead to different and competing cultural identities. Different and competing cultural identities often lead to conflict between various identities, because some character and cultural identities are more successful than others. Different and competing cultural identities often lead to different levels of productivity and prosperity.

Of course some tolerance of different identities should always be applied, because some tolerance reflects an understanding, and even an appreciation, of human choices and free will. But tolerance can only go so far as we try to convince others there is a better path…As we try to live and exist next to each other. When the love, labor, faculties, income, wealth, property, life, risk, ambition, character, laws, taxes, security and policies that build your life, your family or your community is abused or rejected by the other, a counter-rejection and even conflict may arise. Every individual has a different level or mix of tolerance regarding cultural differences. Asking others to go beyond tolerance and actually promote (not merely tolerate) significant cultural differences is usually asking for trouble in the world of homo sapiens. We invest too much and so much in our cultural and character identity. All our faculties and efforts have brought us so much dignity and meaning.

In the great battle surrounding character and absolute or objective truths, I trust The People and a deliberating republic more than I trust nine supreme judges. One will reach a decision based upon the deliberations of many, while the other should reach a decision based upon the deliberations of many.

An Independent Moderate Individual will consider the merit of character and tolerance in everything we do. We are organized to give effect to the merit of character.

Are you reflective? Are you applying principles of character when you are reflective? Are you applying American values of individualism and republican thought when you are reflective.

“Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.”
W. Shakespeare

(I think, therefore I hesitate.)

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