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Posted on January 22, 2016 John Abood

Why do we share sovereignty between individuals, local governments, the various states and the federal government? Why do we embrace subsidiarity in our society? We embrace the idea and ideal of subsidiarity and federalism because we find in this policy the protection of individualism, common law, local customs, local traditions, local consent and local control.

It is so much easier for an individual to have influence over themselves, their family and their community than they have over the state government or the central government. Individuals are more easily able to influence and provide their deliberative consent to local laws and policies and institutions. They are less easily able to influence and provide their deliberative consent regarding central government laws, regulations, policies, the judiciary and other institutions. For these reasons we have a policy of federalism – with individual sovereignty (including private property), local government, state government (50 republics) and a central government with enumerated powers and authorities provided by and through the consent of those who are governed (the states and the people).

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