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Rule of Law

Posted on January 22, 2016 John Abood

Constitutional Rule of Law –

Our republic (as set forth in our founding documents and in our State and U.S. Constitutions) creates a system of government that assures individual sovereignty within limited state and national governments. We The People apply many controls upon the state, including shared sovereignty, local controls, distinct small republics, state voting districts, subsidiarity, elected representation in our legislatures at every level, majority rule, rule of law, separation of powers within the various governments, checks and balances, our Bill of Rights, enumerated powers, Amendments 5, 9, 10 and 14 to the U.S. Constitution and an independent judiciary, among other controls on the power of the state.

We understand the need for protecting our private realm via deliberation, legislation by the people, our common law and government. Each of us wants to protect our lives, our character, our choices and our faculties.

We form and establish our system of government, with the above checks and balances, so we may apply our values and identity, and choose and form our society so as to us shall seem most likely to effect our safety and happiness. This is exactly what we explained to King George III in our Declaration of Independence.

So, how are we doing? The answer is complicated. We are doing well, but our republics are deteriorating under the stress of our cultural war. The people are increasingly stymied in their republican legislative process by activist judges and executives, the misinterpretation of Amendments 5 and 14 to the U.S. Constitution, the administrative and regulatory state and the elimination of subsidiarity.

Our republics increasingly no longer apply majority rule – where we have a discussion, we vote, the majority chooses our cultural values and the loyal minority continues to seek to persuade the majority. The only way a republic works is if the people believe that the reasonable majority rules and that minority political rights are protected (so they may continue the deliberations and continue to persuade our citizens).

Instead, our legislatures seem to be under greater control by our courts. The courts accept the role of legislature and no longer limit their judgement to applying the law. For these and other reasons (such as the state’s regulatory power) our republics are failing to live up to the process we created, and reaffirm, to assure ourselves the blessings of liberty.

AIMI seeks to protect our republics from the forces that prevent us from legislating and building a society that, as to us, shall seem to be most likely to effect our safety and happiness.

AIMI wants to help you have more dignity and political influence by:

1. Having letters ready to send to your elected U.S. representatives. We will send the letters and we will keep track of the responsiveness of your representatives.
2. Making available our “Political Sliders” so you may appreciate the spectrum of political values and ideas.
3. Assuring that moderate political ideals are well defined and articulated.
4. Creating a safe space for news, opinion and the reasoned exchange of ideas…leading to political action.
5. Creating an organisation that will try to make life a litte easier, and a little more dignified, within a society that is often complex and full of ambiguity.

So, take a look around. Consider our moderate political philosophy. Consider our plans. Become a member, or a State Delegate. Together we can build a society so as to us shall seem most likely to effect our safety and happiness.

An Independent Moderate Individual, Inc.

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